Packing Essentials for flying with a 1 year old!
Things to pack in your carry on for AN international flight with a 1 year old.
Pack in a bag that open outwardly and can be hooked onto a rolling carryon (backpacks are not ideal)
3 x meals
1 x spanakopita box
2 x sliced avocado with cut up rolled tortilla with peanut butter
3 x fruit snack boxes (homemade)
2 x berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, grapes)
1 x sliced banana and mango
2 x crackers
Babymum crackers or soft crackers that are entertaining and individually packed
2 x Healthy date/nut bars that are easy to eat
AUS @bluedinosaur US @larabars
4 x Baby pouches
Great for take off and landing to pop their ears they need something to suck on if you aren’t still breastfeeding or your baby doesn’t love a bottle
2 x Rasin (sultana) boxes
Also love mulberries, but the opening and closing of the box is a 15 minute game
1 x Zip bag of toys
Find every small toy like item in your house you don’t care about losing and put it into a zip bag for them to pull out and put back in. I use my @girlfriend 's bag and pack it with 25 different items from blocks to lids to stacking cups to mini soft toys and balls.
2 x Hand sanitizers
1 x @babybum spray, my favorite as it smells the best and is non-toxic
3 x @babyvganics alcohol-free hand sanitising wipes
I like to wipe down the seat, plane, any touchable surfaces first and baby’s hands every so often
10 x Diapers/Nappies
AUS @ecoriginals US @dyper
1 x Wipes
AUS @wotnotnaturals US @waterwipes
1 x Sippy cup/ baby water bottle
I use @frankgreen which is the best baby sippy cup/ water bottle that is eco friendly and does NOT SPILL
1 x Pajamas
2 piece so it’s easier to change in your seat
1 x outfit change
2 piece, long pants and long shirt as planes get cold and so it’s easier to change in your seat
1 x Socks
5 x Books
Mini book set from Eric Carl
Pop up books are great
Any interactive book to add an element of play
1 x washable bib
@rommer silicon bib
2 x dribble bib
Handmade from my auntie but great to sit on them all time for snack and water spillage
1 x changing mat
mine is from @smallthingseu
1 x Medical bag
Epipen (if you have allergies and doctors note)
US Tylenol or AUS Panadol
US Benadryl or AUS
Skin medication
Nasal spray
Sun screen
Creme Lotion
Bon Voyage!